27 November 2006

Black Friday, Gray Foxes

So I did the Black Friday thing. Got up at 1 am to check out Best Buy (absolutely insane, and I have it on good authority that people were lining up at 1PM on THURSDAY). Given the sheer number of people already in line, I turned around and headed out to Scott Annex in Portsmouth. No one there. Supposedly they have the same TVs and they price match. I figure I can catch up on school reading and stake out the line for a 6 am opening.
Works pretty good, no one there but the circling police and, at about 4 am, two gray foxes. Wish I had a camera, because they were no more than 2 feet away from the car at some points. Very interesting creatures- about the size of my bigger cat, so probably about 20 lbs, long bushy tail, teeny feet, and a very narrow snout. I mean like pike narrow. Oddly enough, they were less spooky than the feral cats in the parking lot- probably ate the cats is why. And boy can they run!! A nifty morning adventure, which was much better than the rest of the morning. The exchange didn't have 'the right model numbers' for the TVs so the whole thing was a waste.

Better luck next year.

16 November 2006

Tarot Craziness

Yeah I've been scarce lately. School and work getting a bit crazy. Plus someone's nerves are all over the place as well. Anyways, this post is thanks to C. See what you get me into?

The Tower
Ambition, fighting, war, courage. Destruction, danger, fall, ruin.
The Tower represents war, destruction, but also spiritual renewal. Plans are disrupted. Your views and ideas will change as a result.
The Tower is a card about war, a war between the structures of lies and the lightning flash of truth. The Tower stands for "false concepts and institutions that we take for real." You have been shaken up; blinded by a shocking revelation. It sometimes takes that to see a truth that one refuses to see. Or to bring down beliefs that are so well constructed. What's most important to remember is that the tearing down of this structure, however painful, makes room for something new to be built.

or No?